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Cinema Village

Short Film Program: Vacancies and Redundancies (16TH ANNUAL SCIENCE NEW WAVE FESTIVAL)

67 min

SHOWTIMES 05/17/2024 (change date):

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What dreams occupy the places we've left behind? In an abandoned gold mine, scientists search for evidence of dark matter, while in an empty school in Japan, sleep studies manifest even more unknowable forces. Meanwhile, our automated replacements milk cows, serve drinks, and patrol the streets of empty model cities. In the end, perhaps remaining useful, for an outmoded human, requires drastic measures.

Stillness of Labor (Chris Larson, 2023, United States, 9 min)

Metabolism (Misho Antadze, 2023, The Netherlands, 12 min)

Theta (Lawrence Lek, 2022, United Kingdom, 12 min)

Waiting Space (Carin Leong, 2023, United States,12 min)

Retrodreaming (Alisa Berger, 2022, Germany / Japan, 18 min)

Human Resources (Trinidad Plass Caussade, Titouan Tillier, & Isaac Wenzek, 2023, France, 4 min)


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